Tripod Turnstiles TR491

The TR 491 tripod turnstile is designed for applications where robust and reliable  access control is a requirement but space limited. The additional functionality, compared to the TR 490, is the dropping arm mode in case of power failure (emergency), enhancing pedestrians'safety.


Automatic Gates  PNG381Automatic Gates  PNG381     

Full anti-fraud access control in one direction and dissuasive access control in the opposite direction, High flow rates of people, Integration with all types of architectural decor. Standard height of glass leaves: 1700 mm, passage width: 500-600mm.


Swing Gates PMD335

PMD 335 Bi-directional gate has been developed for applications where access control is needed for people with reduced mobility. Design can be combined with an installation of PNG380 or PNG390 automatic gates.


BL-S32智慧型Mifare 13.56MHz感應式置物櫃


具備SD CF Card擴充槽,可擴充至4GB以上容量,斷電資料不流失。

具備標準ISO 14443A Mifare 13.56MHz感應讀卡模組,可讀取 Mifare卡或悠遊卡等功能。